“March 8, 2032, 8:30 PM, you will die.”

Live blogging The Amazing Race will commence very soon. I haven’t done this, but it’s time to revisit the fun times of running around the world for fun and profit. Consider this the first post…

That lady protesting against the Muslim center in NY hates.

Catching some of Yankees v Red Sox. I hate them both, but it’s even better when the one supposedly good team is on a losing streak. I wish both would be losers, but that ain’t gonna happen until the Orioles can get in contention. Daisuke just struck out Texiera to end the inning.

Even moving back 60 minutes by 30 minutes, CBS still can’t start it on time because of NFL.

8:44 PM EST
Andy Rooney looks like one of the dead. Zombie!

8:47 PM EST
Here we go!

How can local celebrities compete for $1 million? Why?

Marriage proposals and Amazing Race don’t seem to go well together. Yelling at your partner…

Acapella singers? That’s gay.

Hotty doctors? Yes!

Asian father son duo? First eliminated!

8:51 PM EST
You can’t tell who to root against. Let’s go evil teams!

Express Pass sounds like cheating.

8:57 PM EST
No purely young all men’s teams. Makes it tough to pick the eventual winners.

Dude, Irish, your girlfriend is hot.

9:02 PM EST
It’s amazing how, post 9-11, you can get people to do the run around in airports. I would think they would be jacked by the airport cops.

9:07 PM
Singers are last place. Also called Harry Potter. Not the way to start out.

9:09 PM EST
Driving stuck left handed. Must be awkward.

Newly dating, and you’re yelling at each other. That won’t last will it?

Don’t scream about the stick shift on the left. You have to just drive…

9:13 PM EST
Killing clutches. Is not good. Get the wrecker! EEeesh. Burning clutches!

You’ve got to go practice stick whenever you’re going on the Amazing Race.

I hate these steam lunches commercial. Why do you want an asshole as a spokesman?

9:20 PM EST
Clutches are a problem. Hunh?

Guys are lost? Get out of the car.

I like how they get Harry Potter to talk about magic!

Bullocks with the colonials!!! Ha ha ha!!!

Fat people on that boat isn’t going make across!!

9:38 PM EST
Slow and steady gets you across the water in the turtle boat.

Damn. I hate eliminations in the first leg…

That’s gotta hurt… Ouch with the watermelon…

9:46 PM EST
That’s right sister. That’s the Amazing Race for you.

That girl running who was hit in the face is hilarious!!

The boat roadblock is getting to be hilarious.

I think the reunited mother-daughter team is gonna be philiminated. Yes. It’s been a long time since I’ve used that word!

9:54 PM EST
I have to always question why they eliminate in the first round. They should throw a wrench and keep it open. Allow these fools a second chance.

You can’t get lost going to Phil. You just can’t!!

These tattooed people are really, really stupid.

10:02 PM
Yes. They really are stupid.

10:04 PM EST
Here’s who I’m rooting for: Asians, mother-daughter reunited, hottie girl and her leprechaun buddy. Would’ve rooted for the black dudes, but man they got lost and lost the first leg (just predicting).

It’s getting close to last teams. Come on mother-daughter. Come on black guys. That boat ain’t gonna help.

10:12 PM EST
Logic ain’t gonna get you across that water big, black guy.

Damn, first elimination. Black guys. Damn, you, Amazing Race! Why must you crush our hopes!!

10:15 PM EST
Thus ends the return of live blogging Amazing Race. It hasn’t been cool to watch the show in a long time, but it still is fun. Who’s coming with if I do it?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.