“Who are we? What we see? Whoa, I can’t comprehend.”

25 And Living Large: I'm an alcholic! 25 And Living Large 25 And Living Large

Remember this? I had promised a few posts related to these pictures in which I look back to who I was back then. Before doing so I want to get into the technology of these pictures, because it struck me as funny as to how far computing has progressed. And it was in thinking of how old these photos were that made me realize that even though I am in these pictures that person is not anything like the me of today and neither is the technology.

You already know I pulled these pictures from a 3/4″ floppy disk, but you don’t know that they were formatted as a gif file. That’s funny because the best way to store pictures onto storage media would be jpg. Why are they gifs? Who in their right mind would scan photos into gif files. What year is it again?! I remember when and where I got these photos scanned. It was a camera store in Hunt Valley by the Giant, and according to the time stamps of the files, they were created on Saturday, October 12, 1996. That’s just about 14 years ago, when the Internet was barely walking, the floppy drive was the favorite removable storage media, Windows 95 was within its year of release, and you didn’t own a scanner. Plus, cameras were still using film.

Look at it today, October 4, 2010. Our storage media contain 1000 times more floppy disks. The Internet is in its unruly teens. I don’t care anymore about Windows 95, because OS X kicks its ass, and Apple still rulez. I have a scanner and could scan those analog film pictures on my own into jpg files if I wanted. And my camera is pure digital.

We change. So does technology. What happens when we try to go back? It becomes somewhat of a hassle because things may not be compatible anymore. All the trouble to update outdated things, is it worth it?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to ““Who are we? What we see? Whoa, I can’t comprehend.””

  1. Is the next post going to be the correlation between your personal technological advancement and your growth as an individual? Or am I throwing that out so you can have another blog post?

    My thoughts: '96. I was in computer class learning Windows from a guy teacher whose absolutely cute, drives a jeep, lives near my grandparents house, and who likes the color pink (and he's straight).

  2. Maybe.

    Never thought to make the connection. I, also, thought that this was the post that shows how much we've moved forward.

    What were you, like 10? Isn't that getting creepy hitting on a guy who was probably twice your age?

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