Link of the Day [12.01.10]

I know a certain person, who shall remain nameless, that would love to see this happen. Of course, it would suck what with BriBo giving up the number.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Link of the Day [12.01.10]”

  1. Jeter can keep his old number. I advise B.Rob to not give up his number.

    This FA/Winter talks is a killer

  2. Orioles are not gonna land any big time FA which seem to disappoint a lot of people. I wish they would start playing like the bad news bears and showing how awesome they could be. Us against the world should always work. That and a big bat in the lineup.

  3. i think thats what they're trying to go for, i mean "Us against the world" type. Who cares if Jeter or Pujols is there, theres always that "Who's that guy?" FA who will be picked by the Orioles.

    *bumping head on desk*

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