Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 1

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 opened while I was on the Hawaiian vacation and I couldn’t leave paradise for the three hours it takes for this movie to finish. And after three hours, there is still probably another 3 hours to come.

The problem with the later Harry Potter films (the Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince, and Deathly Hallows) is the novels. The books after Goblet of Fire had a lot of exposition of when, where, and why of Voldemort that needed to be explained. Reading of such is a more natural experience with the story and history of Voldemort. Unfortunately, the last few films tried to condense these stories into two and a half hour movies. Plot points were lost and sacrificed for the sake of movie telling. Threads that made sense in words didn’t when filmed, because of the missing information.

The Deathly Hallows novel gets the privilege of getting stretched out to two films so that all its information can be filmed. And this part was two and a half hours long but got through about two thirds of the book. Yet, the early part of this book was nothing but Hermione, Harry, and Ron wandering the wilderness. They were supposed to find Horcruxes, but did a terrible job at it. So did, Rowling as she just abandoned that thread to get to the ultimate battle.

I thought they could’ve gotten rid of the wilderness parts, but upon re-reading the book, it needed to be fully fleshed out so that the story can continue unabated.

These last few Harry Potter films have been slightly confusing because of all the exposition. This one isn’t, but I can’t wait for the second half.

3 of 5 stars.

Link of the Day [12.10.10]

I occasionally link to Jason Thompson's manga work at Anime News Network, because he writes articles that go over the history of manga, which I love reading. Today's link is Thompson's article on Battle Angel Alita.Alita was one of the first manga I read. I still have the early print editions of the VIZ comics, which I collected in the 90s. Along with Shirow Masamune's Appleseed, Alita was my early introduction to manga and it's weird to think that I have been reading manga for this long. Back then, manga were 30 page issues of a comic book bought at the comic store and not a hundred page volume of a soft cover graphic novel bought at Barnes and Noble. A comic is a comic, and manga is a comic. I still read lots of comics, but I buy them at Barnes and Noble.Looking over my early manga reading I find that I was into sci-fi worlds. Now, I'm into shojo, moe girls, but still find myself reading sci-fi manga. Pluto, Saturn Apartments, 7 Billion Needles are all on my reading list and they are sci-fi. I can't get enough moe girls, but it seems I can't get enough sci-fi. Thanks, manga!Battle Angel Alita is still ongoing! I hear that it isn't that great and Thompson says so to an extent. I still have my long boxes of comics from the 90s. I should dig up those VIZ comics issues from back then. I can't remember where I stopped reading. Maybe, I should dig up the volumes of the books on Amazon….http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/house-of-1000-manga/2010-12-09

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

長門有希 Yuki Nagato "The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya" version

A week before the Hawaiian Vacation, I had bought the latest American Haruhi light novel, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. I figured that it was gonna be a good beach read. When we got to the 808 state, the first few days I didn’t even pick it up. Then at Ko Olina, bored silly with the fake Hawaii, I started to read it. In the trade winds it took a while to get into the story. Honestly, the first couple of Nagaru Tanigawa’s light novels were not that great. The first one, The Melancholy…, is fine but The Sigh… kind of stunk and The Boredom… was 2/4 a good read. I wasn’t looking forward to read this episode. I’m really waiting for the movie.

Yet, in the trade winds, on the beach, I couldn’t put the book down. I had finally found out why this series rocked.

It is all about the Nagato! Yuki plays a big important role in this book. And more Yuki the better.

It starts off the week before Christmas, and the SOS Brigade is gonna throw a nabe stew Christmas party. Its what Haruhi wants. The gang just goes along. Then, the world becomes a different place. Kyon meets the deadly Asakura again. Haruhi is no longer a student at North High. There is no SOS Brigade. And Yuki is human. Yuki Nagato is the only member of the Literature club, 100% human and shy, cute as all get out. She even asks Kyon to join. Who could not? But all is wrong and Kyon must find his way back to his reality.

So I blazed through this book in another day. Spent a sunny afternoon with it and hunkered down in an evening reading. Did this all in paradise. But I didn’t mind as this is the best book of the series so far.

Read it. You’ll love Nagato as well.

Now, I’m just waiting for the movie, and to see the human Nagato on screen.

Quote of the Day [12.08.10]

“I think there must be something wrong with me, Linus. Christmas is coming, but I’m not happy. I don’t feel the way I’m supposed to feel.”

Charlie Brown, A Charlie Brown Christmas

Shojo Hermione Granger

Someone cool please write the Harry Potter wherein Hermione is in a shojo manga.

A muggle born girl finds out that she has been accepted into the prestigious Hogwarts Academy. When she arrives she has to negotiate through a new, magical setting and new, magical friends and/or rivals. She studies real hard to become one of the best students in her class and in all of Hogwarts, but finds that that is not enough to win the admiration of the school. She is overshadowed by Harry Potter. Harry Potter who seems to not do anything to achieve his standings. Harry Potter, mediocre in his studies. Harry Potter, mediocre in his magic. Harry Potter beloved by the school. Will this rivalry last throughout school and will it turn out to be something more? And what about Harry’s saucy sidekick, Ron Weasley. Quiet but friendly, Ron Weasley. Can he be the one?

Well, someone. Get started!

(I guess you really have to be into manga to understand how funny this would be. See Ouran High School Host Club, Kitchen Princess, etc.)

It's a Yuki X-mas

It’s a Yuki X-mas
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Love it when i get home and there’s a nendoroid on the doorstep. The ever so kawaii Yuki Nagato from the anime movie, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzimiya. I read the book while in Hawaii. A review is forthcoming, but let me just say, it’s all about Nagato. Best book so far.

Morning Glory

Ooops. I should’ve written something about Morning Glory a while ago, but never got around to it before taking off for vacation. The review would’ve been awesome with lots of insight. Now, I can’t even remember the film. All I know is Rachel McAdams is in it. She hasn’t been in many films lately, but it was good to see her again.

3 of 5 stars.

Observations from Aloha to Aloha

I should’ve been posting more from Hawaii, but who could think about using a computer when you’re in paradise? I couldn’t do that, but I did keep my travel journal which should go up sometime in 2011. For now, let me write down some recollections that could’ve been part of a blog post, but failed to materialize.

The flight out is the suck.
Can’t you just drop us off here?
Hawaii has more radio stations playing reggae as Jamaica. I presume.
The Big Island looks just like Iceland, except for the palm trees.
There are no plants on the west side of the Big Island, then you go up over Mauna Kea and lushness abounds.
These clubs make me have the same game? Maybe I should hit a driver more often?
Bob is a crazy driver.
This road is painted onto the side of Mauna Kea, then paved, then under construction.
I need Dramamine.
Stars are cool. Wish I could see the Milky Way. Or a galaxy. But that fuzziness in Orion’s sword is still pretty cool.
That dude was a star geek.
This lagoon is pretty cool.
That paddle boarder is way out there. So are we.
Is this turtle mating? No. It’s getting its teeth cleaned. Or did it just ate that fish?
Snorkeling, meh?
This breakfast is awesome. Eggs sunny side up on rice with some sausage? Over easy with mahi? Yeah it’s good.
More fish.
Go to Big Island Candies.
Must remember how to rent a car. Or a van. Or at least something on this island!
Nendoroids on vacation. Nakano!
Is place is the fake Hawaii?
The west side of Oahu is the real Hawaii. Too real.
Can we go to the North Shore now?
Shave Ice!
I can really crank a driver. Never new that.
My iron play is gone. The hell!?!
Eagle! No. Birdie!
I haven’t had any fruit yet.
This guy can cook!
A lot!
Lechon! Is awesome.
But it’s awesome.
Ramen. No. Sushi. Yes.
Everyone drives the speed limit in Hawaii. When you’re in paradise, what’s the hurry?
Did I just go to Tokyo?
What kind of crazy tees does 88 Tees serve? Only the Japanese can like them.
Bob has an awesome view. Plus these Diamond Head breaks look smooth and easy.
We need Hawaiian Sun drinks on the mainland.
This hotel is hip.

There’s probably more, but I probably can’t remember any of it. It was a great time. I wonder how long it will take to get back.