Link of the Day [1.12.11]

Ran across this insightful critique of Inception and Christopher Nolan late one night as I visited movie critics on the web. Although I did give Inception a good rating, I completely regret it the more and more I think about it. This revision comes from my dislike of Nolan as a director. I remember sitting through Inception wondering why does it have to be so talkative, which for much of the film it was. I think the action in the final third plus the dream concept overrode my initial dislike. I have seen my ways, but today's link puts up ideas that help codify my revision of Inception.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Link of the Day [1.12.11]”

  1. I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one. The person who wrote these critiques is either not very very well rounded or doesn't get out much.
    The fact that the first critique talks about the Extradiction joke that he didn't get just lays the it all out.
    anybody remember another director who uses dialogue in his movies – it's a country that sells sausage and a sport you don't see a lot of brown people doing. POLAN-SKI and his famous protection from extradiction when he escaped to FRANCE.

    i just clicked on AD Jameson and you can tell he wears "Counter-culturalist" on his sleeve. Anway, I liked the Fall too but it was not great Filmmaking. The characters were nice but the editing and cinematogrophy. Just cuz you use Bright Red, stop trying to be like Chinese films.
    anyway, my one time rant cuz i luvs my Inception.

    some people are so Posh it's comical.

  2. Hmm. To each her own.

    As I said, I did like it and gave it 4 stars, but I was always troubled by it. My main complaints coming out of the theatre was that it was very talkative and that Ellen Page's character was under used or her importance to the story was overblown.

    There was a lot of talking in the film. Lots of talking. Describing things that could've been shown.

    Ellen Page's character touted as a really good architect doesn't get to show it. And why couldn't she have folded the mountain in two?

    Sometimes I wish it was better.

  3. I get you. but I think that Ellen pitch was just marketing due to her Oscar.
    it was all about Leo, my friend ;0)

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