Purple Passion

After the humiliating defeat to the hated Steelers, what’s a Ravens fan to do? Well instead of getting chocolate wasted, I had to vent my frustrations on twitter (Follow @browsermetrics on twitter yo!) Most of my invective was aimed at Joe Flacco the QB. Well I had to because it would seem like he had lost the game for the Ravens. Two turnovers on consecutive possessions does not make a good outing for a QB. It was bad. And I was angry.

Of course that’s the way the ball bounces. Someone’s got to lose, unfortunately it was the Ravens.

The next day, I felt like pizza. Stopped by the local pizza haunt and look who’s eating lunch — my buddy, Joe Flacco. Should I berate him? Should I yell at him? Give him a sarcastic comment?

I wished him good luck towards next year. He thanked me. As he was leaving the area he signed some autographs for a couple of kids. I couldn’t get angry at him. It was just that one day.

Classy guy. Wish he could’ve won the game. There’s always next year.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Purple Passion”

  1. That guy really does eat a lot of pizza.

  2. I'm more surprised that he was in town. I mean when did they get back?

    He was still with that girl we saw him with.

    I did want to say something mean, but it was better not to.

  3. Pizza for his birthday. I told u.

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