2B || !2B

The seed wonders aloud why he blogs. He mutters something about cheese sandwiches and Mac forums, but finds that he doesn’t really have anything to add to the conversation that is on the intertubes.

I beg to differ.

Check out this simple list of reasons on why to blog. You’ll find some things there that can fit the niche the seed has carved out for himself. Why skimming that list, I know that the seed has shared his expertise on video recording and editing. He’s currently updating his list of hotties, so that puts him into engaging a debate with total strangers. And one thing, his blog will always represent him on the intertubes, facebook not withstanding. So it’s not completely worthless.

When I look at that list, my main motivation in writing the blog is to create a permanent record of things that are important to me at particular time. I’ll let the google hive mind index it which allows me to remember all of it better. Second motivation on the list is that I really enjoy leading my readers to content that I think (and hope) you would like. Why do you think that my number one tag has been the “Link of the Day?”

Not to go all meta on you, but I did start another post about those “Link of the Day” posts and why I do them, but couldn’t write about it prosaically. Thanks, seed for this opportunity to write something. Actually, that would be the third reason from that list as to why I blog. I like the art of writing, even when I am so terrible at it.

It is totally worth writing a blog. And twitter, too. But you have to be on it to understand. It ain’t 100% junk. It’s another form of conversation. Now about facebook…..

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

7 Replies to “2B || !2B”

  1. I think I just like saying that to free up my writing and worries about content. I know my writing isn't great and I think it helps me every once and while remind my self who cares? Heh.

    What keeps me blogging is the different views of the surrounding blogs like yours.

    It's nice that we all have our own voice. Keeps the madness inside at bay.Especially in 4am when you randomly wake from sleep.

    Oh and thanks for the plugs.

  2. Wow. That one sentence didn't make any sense. It's in the early morn.

    "I know my writing isn't great and I think it helps me every once and while remind my self who cares?"

    Want I meant was, "I know my writing isn't great. I think it helps me every once and while to remind my self and think, 'who cares'" Basically it's a justification rant to rant.

  3. I blog coz I write sloppily during work.

  4. @theseed: your blog is the same as mine. what ever you fancy enough to write up. no central theme. or the theme really is that "this is me internets, deal with it." Most like you said, it was something that you felt like writing.

    I just like keeping a blog. It's the act of writing that I like. I wish I was a bit more adept at it.

  5. Same. But I guess it's a good start to get better at grammar.

  6. you write well. no seriously i wish i could write like you do.

  7. @akeshia: thanks! I don't think I do, but thanks again. It is encouraging. But I like to write.

    One thing that makes me crazy is that I can't keep a train of thought going for longer than 5 sentences. I'd also like to make my movie reviews worthwhile. Plus, I would like to get better with my turn of phrases. I have a lot of work to do, but writing, writing, writing in my blog helps.

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