Link of the Day [2.10.11]

I’ve been meaning to tell you. I play guitar. I haven’t played in a long while not since I stopped being an alcoholic. I suck at it, but I keep playing.

I’ve already told you about buying a new fangled amp.

I’ve been trying to tell you that I want to get a new guitar, preferably, that Fender Jaguar, because I love playing or attempting to play surf music. Yes, that wet, wet reverb sound. With that guitar it and the effects from the new fangled amp it would be the wettest sound you would get.

Then I plugged the amp into my MBP and found out GarageBand can do all that and more. So, now I must check out how to use GarageBand. Today’s link may help in that.

I wonder if I should learn how to play the piano.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Link of the Day [2.10.11]”

  1. I've owned a Fender for like 7 years now and still don't know how to play.

    Is it better to take lessons or self-teach? I mean there's an app to tune on iTunes.

  2. I would learn on your own. It's easy. Learn chords. Once you have 3 of them you can play most every song. Learn 4 and you can play every song. Then learn the scales. You'll be able to play over the chords and now you're jamming.

    Try youtube and search for guitar lessons. Follow along. They're pretty good. You'll get good. And its free.

    After a bit if you feel like lessons. Go ahead. Sometime I feel like taking lessons just so that some one can hear me play.

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