Under my umbrella

Old man winter ain’t leaving without gracing us with one last blast of winter precipitation. It’s sleeting this moment, but will turn to snow over night. I’m trying to keep warm with a mug of hot cocoa, but can imagine what its like in the sleet tonight.

All this precipitation makes me want to buy one of these umbrellas. I’ve been eyeing umbrellas for a while now and have gravitated to the more expensive kinds. The ones that, if you lose them, you kick yourself afterwards. Why do I lust after something like this?

PS. This should’ve been a link of the day but I am tired of typing those letters.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Under my umbrella”

  1. Crazy expensive! Just get something from China.

  2. you got Fonzworth Bentley style

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