Link of the Day [4.13.11]

Mancave? Fancave!

These dudes get the envious task to watch all MLB baseball games this season from a high tech apartment in New York City. I would’ve given it a big “meh,” if not for the Orioles fan, Ryan Wagner, being one of the dudes. I only found out from the Adam Jones and his tweets about his visit the other day. Since the Orioles are in NYC, I believe a couple of them have visited the place.

What a weird way to spend the season.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Link of the Day [4.13.11]”

  1. i kept on looking at AJ & Guth's pics and i cant cant cant avoid being jealous. i dont even have a subscription to MLB right now!


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