Benthic Pathetic

Even I didn’t think that I could have a more pathetic ride on my bike than last Saturday, but I was wrong. I did 3.5 miles of really terrible biking this evening. Just got back.

The journey of a million miles always starts with the first few miles. I decided to try out a route that I want to do for an early morning quick work out. It’s just around the block using the cover of a park trail as a small bit. I wanted to see how out of shape I was. And I really am. I don’t have any power in the legs and applying what little I got hurts. Plus it took all my will power to keep the gearing in a moderate setting lest I resort to the granny gear for the flats. If not for the downhill run, this would’ve been a twenty minute outing.

I suck. Yet, I can only get better.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.