Captain America: The First Avenger

When I think of Captain America, I think of an earnest hero. Chris Evans does come across as an earnest Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First Avenger. His head is too big for the scrawny body. Even when he becomes, Captain America his head is too big for his body, but that’s alright, for Cap, his ideas and thoughts that stand for America are too big for his body. He embodies America of the World War: earnest in trying to defeat the Axis powers. He is an avenger for justice!

Weird that the US creates its own super soldier to do battle with the übermensch of the Teutonic Germans. Weird that as created in the 40s that that’s what takes to beat the Nazis.

I like girls that look like Hayley Atwell’s Peggy Carter. Brown eyes, red lips, slim fitting skirts, trim jackets, brunette. I’m a sucker for that look.

I keep wondering about the CG that created a scrawny Chris Evans. He’s like the mini Brad Pitt in Benjamin Buttons. Then he’s like a Chris Evans in Scott Pilgrim. Just plain funny guy. I guess it was good that Johnny Storm died as it would be confusing for an audience that will be watching the FFxAvengers cross-over.

Speaking of Avengers: Avengers Assemble! I’m psyched for it! Was Nick Fury supposed to be one of the army soldiers? Wasn’t the Captain fighting alongside Nick Fury and his howling commandoes in WW2? Was that black guy supposed to be Nick Fury? At least I thought so. When you caught a look at the Howling Commandos, did they remind you of Nick Rivers’ crew in Top Secret!?

The movie is not bad for a comic book movie. Could’ve used better writing but don’t all comic book movies need that? It’s on par with the Green Lantern but a step below Thor for this years comic book movies. Yet they all got the same rating.

3 of 5 stars

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.