“I don’t know how to tell you this, but there’s a spunky redhead in every office.”

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark won’t keep me up at night. While certainly spooky at times, it’s frights never materialized to made me admonish myself to “not be afraid of the dark.” Of course, on occasion, I got goosebumps, but that’s just because it was cold in the theatre. I didn’t even have to hide behind the bill of my cap.

The movie was produced and written by Guillermo del Toro. The monsters were faeries like the ones found in del Toro’s adaption of Hellboy. If you think this spoils the movie for you, then you’ve got to watch to see how they spook out the house owners.

The new owners of the condemned house are a couple of nitwits. Guy Pearse is starting to corner the spineless asshole parts. Katie Holmes didn’t have much to say except be the non-sceptic in the house. The young daughter gets them into trouble, first by coming into their home, then unknowingly unleashing the darkness.

If you have faeries swarming about you, you start sweeping the legs and start sweeping the ground around you. Boot them about!

Not scary enough, but worth a look on a cold winter’s night.

3 of 5 stars

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.