“36 of the hottest prospects in the world, ranked and tabulated.”

Shagging Flies

If the baseball season ended today, the Orioles will have won 67 games which is one more than they did last year. Yet, they still have 3 games left. If they run a 3 game winning streak, they'll get to 70 games for the first time in years. They are playing the hated Boston Red Sox. The Red Sox may be on their way to the post season. They have a one game lead on the Tampa Bay Rays for the wild card spot. The Rays are relying on the Orioles to get them into the post season. Good luck on that. Your humble author has followed this Orioles team all season and they are only good at one thing: crushing your hopes. I can't believe that they'll win a game against Boston, and I can't believe they'll spoil the Red Sox's fun. But if they do…

UPDATE: Orioles down 2-1 in 6th. They keep disappointing all year. What makes you think they’ll be any different today?

UPDATE 2:Top of the 7th Orioles clinging to a 6-2 lead. #theLegendOfBobbyAndy hitting a 3 run inside the park homer. Perhaps I should’ve went to the game tonight.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.