“Why don’t you call a specialist?” “I am a specialist.” “At what?” “At everything.”

Moneyball! makes even old people care about baseball. At the showing, the old people liked the game. They seemed to cheer for a game that was played years ago. And that’s the magic of Moneyball!, it made baseball slightly relevant again.

Of course, I was going to watch Moneyball! because I’m a baseball jones. As the Orioles wind down another losing season, we can only hope that the new O’s GM can find some magic and breathe life into a moribund organization. I said it once I have to say it again, “There’s rock bottom, then fifty feet of crap, and then there’s [the A’s].” They’re being held up by the Orioles.

Hopefully, this movie will make our ownership decide to try and find a system to get out of this losing. Or inspire baseball players to go all OBP on us. The Orioles need the players to stop giving up outs. Earl Weaver, we need your guidance!

Anyhow, Jonah Hill plays it straight. Brad Pitt does a Brad Pitt move. It’s great that the A’s have won something. Now when will the O’s.

3 of 5 stars

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to ““Why don’t you call a specialist?” “I am a specialist.” “At what?” “At everything.””

  1. Waiting waiting waiting for it to come here. Can't wait enough!

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