The Three Musketeers (2011)

All you need to know about The Three Musketeers (2011) is that Milla Jovovich stars as Mlle de Winter. She’s the muse to Paul WS Anderson as she has starred in lots of his movies mostly Resident Evil. You could’ve told me that this was directed by Pitof or even Kurt Wimmer of Ultraviolet infamy as the movie progressed it had that campy feel of the worst of the worst films of this past decade. Yet, it didn’t sink towards Uwe Boll infamy because it was campy enough to entertain, and that’s all we want from a movie — entertainment.

The movie had structural similarities to the Dumas book. Besides Milady de Winter, you had the cardinal, the 3 musketeers, the Buckingham and d’Artagnan. De Winter schemes with the Cardinal. The 3 musketeers befriend d’Artagnan. Those are the similarities. The rest of the plot could’ve, but could not be from the book. Sky ships! De Winter as a ninja?! The fat guy? Was this in the book?

Yet it was all fun. Pure entertainment. Like a resident evil, but better as things weren’t as hokie. Campy but never dumb. Stupid but never retarded. Almost, almost straight from the mind of Dumas, but twisted into a steam punk novel. Ridiculous, but entertaining.

So the changes got me thinking about the original novel. I bet you the original serializations were treated as campy fun as well. Pure entertainment. Now we have to wait for the next installment.

3 of 5 stars

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “The Three Musketeers (2011)”

  1. it was nice to watch except i cant really concentrate to watching it. there's something missing. maybe Charlie Sheen? no, im just kidding of course.

  2. It was silliness from start to finish. Even CapitolSwell liked it!

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