The Secret World of Arrietty

Even without the master, Hayao Miyazaki, at the helm, I was going to watch The Secret World of Arrietty because I am a fan of animation and of anime. So I found myself at the local nickelodeon for a Saturday matinĂ©e surrounded by a full house of parents and kids. I try to avoid the kiddy matinĂ©e, because the restless kids don’t make for a good movie experience. I had to ignore all the fidgeting and the fusty parents, and when I did I had a wonderful time.

Every time I watch a Studio Ghibli film, I am left to wonder how can a male dominated society like the Japanese produce wonderful animated films with realistic female leads. Pixar is just finally finished its first film with a female lead. Disney has its princesses and all that they connote and denote.

3 of 5 stars

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “The Secret World of Arrietty”

  1. I loved this movie.

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