
Guacamole is easy to make even a non-cook like me can do it. I just fixed some up for lunch this morning here's how if you don't know.

I took the left over half an avocado I had in the fridge since Sunday and diced it. I took four plum tomatoes from the carton I have in the fridge and diced it. I took an 1/8 of the red onion I have in the fridge and diced it. Finally, I diced a few sprigs of cilantro. This all goes into a bowl, season with a pinch of salt and fresh ground pepper to taste, and some lemon juice from the squeeze bottle.

I don't own a mortar and pestle, so mashing it in a mixing bowl was slightly difficult. I used a spoon and just pressed everything to the side of the bowl. I did this until the guacamole was in a consistency I liked.

That's it! Simple right? It probably is better as your ingredients get fresher.

I'll have find some tortilla chips for dipping. The vending machine here at work only has Doritos.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.