iPad Mini

Thoughts on this thing I am typing on.

When I first picked it up: Damn this thing is small. I thought it was going to be bigger.

Now it feels like iPhone 3GS. The screen doesn’t feel too nice. It feels kind of plasticky. Plus it misses the retina display. If it had that, I think it would be worth the money. This is the 32MB wireless+cellular. It’s kind of pricy for this thing that looks like an Amazon Kindle or a Nook.

Now that I think of it this thing reminds me of my Mini. Plasticky and pricy. But you know I love my Mini. Do I like this a lot so far.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “iPad Mini”

  1. I love my ipad. I love blogging on it. I actually like photo editing on this thing for things like blogger and Facebook. I definitely use it 80 percent of the time. The battery life and weight are olus compared to sitting with a laptop.I just love being able to grab it and go. My fave combo is my Panasonic GH1 with a 17mm pancake lens, 50mm 1.8 pancake and the ipad. It's all you need. But damn that retina does look better. Oh well.

    Now all they need is to add the ability use an SD card like an external hard drive. But that may never happen do to the old upsell.

    I'm not quite sure what I'll get next as a computer. It'll either be the 11inch air or another ipad. I love grab and go stuff. Since the Mac Pro is still more than capable for the big stuff I don't really need another super computer.

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