Oscars 2013

I didn’t even post my Oscar predictions. All I know is that several weeks ago I thought Argo was going to win best picture. After all the awards it has won, I stand by my prediction.

Consider this an open thread for discussion about tonight’s ceremony.

Let me hear your thoughts and predictions.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Oscars 2013”

  1. thought it was pretty predictable but I liked the show. I liked watching the actors actually perform instead of babbling dialogue. A little over the top with the musicals but it's Seth MacFarlane, so…

    Two disappointments: no reunion of the Bonds or at least highlighting each individual. Like I really wanted to see Sean Connery. but the Goldfinger tribute made up for it bar none.

    The best song performances were engulfed by all the musical numbers. I was like…is this whole show a nod to Les Mis WTH.

    i was happy for Ben Affleck but at the same time thought he needed to loosen the hell up. Old Ben without the chip on his shoulder was a nicer guy. most understated guy there was Clooney and yet he still gets the First Lady to give him an award. Awesome!

    Everyone who should have won — did! Still not convinced on this Jennifer Lawrence win but I didn't see the movie so…

    Finally nothing to do with the awards, but I'm fairly convinced that Kristen Stewart is on some hard core heroine and needs an intervention. It's pretty sad.

  2. oh and hell yeah for Tarantino winning for Django Unchained!

  3. Didn't see the whole ceremony as I was watching The Walking Dead. Missed a whole lot. I missed the animation awards. Wish ParaNorman won. It's not that Brave wasn't bad; I'm wishing for new blood in the animation field.

    And as far as my prediction — told ya.

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