Kingsman: The Secret Service

I was ready to be appalled by the violence in Kingsman: The Secret Service, because of the reviews I read about it. Guts spilling out everywhere, heads exploding, decapitations, mangled bodies. I was expecting Quentin Tarantino levels of blood. The movie had it all, but I wasn’t appalled. After a while, it was pure spectacle. It became hilarious and hard to believe. It was cartoony violence.

The movie revolves around a secret spy organization which keeps the world safe from Saville Row in London. They are the tailors who tinker and spy. To be a part of the organization, one had to be born in high class. The kid in this one wasn’t high born but was given a chance because his dad was a trainee who gave his life to save Colin Firth’s life. The film follows the kid’s journey from novice to international super spy. He saves the world.

The film reminded me of James Bond movies with Sean Connery. It was kitsch in that sense. The cartoon violence was part of that. It couldn’t take itself too seriously. It was like Quentin Tarantino decided to do an Austin Powers movie. Still, there was violence, but come on, it was ridiculous. There was even a secret lair in what should’ve been a volcano. Plus heads asploded in it. ASPLODE!

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Kingsman: The Secret Service”

  1. i saw it. it was funny and campy. over the top. very masculine and reminded me of all those movies you mentioned. some of the jokes were trash can and kind of brought it down a bit.

    I particularly liked Colin Firth vs Sam Jackson. The big bollocks balloon – really??? lost me there.

    but I did like the big fight scene in the church even though it broke all the rules.

  2. Yeah, that fight was ridiculously funny. Right around that point, I couldn't take the movie seriously. I just let the silly violence wash over me. Did not see the ending of the Jackson-Firth confrontation, but it was of the way the rest of the movie went.

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