Jurassic World

Was everyone dumb in Jurassic World? Chris Pratt and his horde of velociraptors? The head of the park, her heels, and her fear of kids? Her underling acting babysitter? Those kids! Gaah! Those kids: let’s roll out of bounds! THOSE KIDS? The park visitors? The control room duo?

Gaah! Everyone was dumb! Including me to have watched this film and expected something else.

I wanted this to be rated R so that we could’ve gotten more gore. I wanted to see the fleeing victims ripped to shreds. I wanted to see the dumb park wranglers get ripped to shreds. I wanted to see THOSE KIDS ripped to shreds. I wanted mayhem level of blood on the screen. But I didn’t get it.

This was epitome of mindless summer entertainment. Don’t be fooled.

2 of 5 stars

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Jurassic World”

  1. okay but what were you expecting Aliens or Jurassic Park? I mean a guy did get eaten whole but ripping of flesh. I thought it was enjoyable. I took my 5 year old. He loved it except for the part where the guy got torn apart (thank goodness not graphically)

    If you're a Hannibal fan like me, you might be experiencing an existential crisis due to the cancellation. LOL!

  2. Also I think Chris Pratt will make a great Indiana Jones in the reboot.

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