“Dave, with Matthew, telling him to do something is hypnotism.”

Link of the Day [9.20.15]

I didn’t know that Dark Horse Comics released volume 14 of The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service this past July. I only found it in my Local Comics Shop today. I then went to see if it was an advanced copy which it wasn’t, but found out that Dark Horse will release an omnibus edition of the first three volumes of this manga.

The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service is a great manga. It follows a bunch of esp’ers whose job is to return dead bodies to their rightful place. The dead speak to them and they help the dead move on into the afterlife. It isn’t a creepy manga. Sometimes it’s gory, but most of the time it is dark. Also, funny as well. Unfortunately, it is coming out really slow as volume 14 has collected the most recent chapters from the Japanese manga magazine. It’s going to be another couple years before the next volume comes out. You should collect the omnibuses in order to catch up. Or you can borrow my collection.


Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.