“If anyone here is a witch, it’s Beth. Look at how she dresses. Case closed.”

I had this NewsRadio quote queued up as a draft. I can’t let it go to waste. Now what should I write about…


Those cute, gorgeous, talented girls from Japan. I haven’t written about them here, hunh? No? Then let’s get on with it.

I said that one of these days I would explain my fascination with them. But really there isn’t too much to say. It’s like why I love slice of life anime featuring Japanese school girls playing in a band. I just want to cheer them on with their endeavors. It’s the same for Idols. I want to cheer them on.

They work hard in order to bring us kawaii. I can’t let there effort go to waste. I want all of them to succeed. I want them to achieve their dreams. I want them to make me happy that they are who they are.

I believe that is moe, a feeling of affection towards them. I don’t just like one girl. I support them all.

It’s tough to think about. It just is for me at the moment. I am an idol otaku.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.