Bookstore Haul ][: Volume 11 — The Flat In my Tire

Had a coupon for ye ol’ Bookstore. Twenty percent off a cookbook. Also, had another couple of coupons. Twenty percent off of any one item. I used the cookbook one.

The cookbook I picked up is another one that I want to use to synthesize my recipes rather than following them. I don’t really cook. I try to make some food. I’m going by feel most of the time. And these cookbooks that kind of explain the science help guide me. Maybe my food may turn out decent.

Also, on the way out I picked up a National Geographic. It’s been a while since I read one of these. I picked it up because the cover had the happiest places on the planet. Lord knows I need some happiness at the moment. I am really sad at the moment. The most recent event to make me sad is that my truck has a nail in one of the tires. Flats make me angry sad. I hate this about owning a car. Now I have to get this tire fixed. Groan. Just great. I hate flats.

Cook’s Illustrated Cook’s Science
National Geographic November 2017 Issue

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.