For Kyoto Animation

Haruhi OP – made me the weeb I am today.

It’s been a week since the fire in Japan at Kyoto Animation studios. If you are just hearing about it the story is rather sad. Thirty-four employees of this famed animation studio were murdered by some nut via an arson attack. There were about another thirty survivors all in various conditions. It was the most tragic of crimes in Japan since the days of World War II.

Kyoto Animation means a lot to me. It has produced some of my personal favorite anime. K-ON! and Haruhi come to mind. Haruhi being my re-introduction into the anime world. K-ON! really is so good it’s my favorite of all time. This studio has done really fine work both in television and in the movie theatres. You can’t beat the K-ON! Movie, and you really can’t beat A Silent Voice movie. Both will make you cry. really is so good it’s my favorite of all time. This studio has done really fine work both in television and in the movie theatres. You can’t beat the K-ON! Movie, and you really can’t beat A Silent Voice movie. Both will make you cry. Cry like the news from Japan…

I pray for those souls lost in this senseless attack. I pray for those survivors. I pray for the studio to come back and give us some more beautiful anime.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.