Covid-19 Days – 0

I guess we’ll have to do something while we are social distancing ourselves from people. I figure I might as well break out the blogging chops and see if I can write daily blog posts throughout these trying times.

What better day to start it off as Donald Trump declares a state of national emergency? Cheese and crackers. Then he doesn’t even take responsibility: “I don’t take responsibility at all.” No shit, Sherlock. You don’t know nothing about the word. Reason number one that electing this guy to the highest office was a big mistake. Thanks, Boomers.

So this is exactly where we are at. A few weeks into America’s part of the pandemic and all hell is breaking loose. The grocery stores are empty. The kids are home. No one wants to touch their face. Call me crazy but perhaps having people who believe in good government to provide people with the correct necessities would’ve been great at leading. Instead we have ignorant, narcissists. Thanks, Boomers.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.