Covid-19 Days – 6

Should I go out shopping for groceries if I run out of things in my cupboard? How about if I need something like coffee or eggs? Should I be out and about?

I’ve done those things. I’ve keep up my normal grocery shopping schedule. I’ve run out of coffee, and I’ve gone to get some. And I’ve seen plenty of others out and about. I wonder if they feel the same way? I wonder if we’re taking this seriously?

Anyhow, I spent all day grinding on a particular problem. Doing actual work. Something I said I couldn’t do. I do miss socializing. I also miss the compartmentalization of a place of work versus a place of home. It sucks that now they’re both the same. One things for sure I can never be late for work! I can also never be away from it either!

I’m pretty sure we’re going to go mandatory pretty soon. Like they did in Italy.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.