Covid-19 Days – 100

I think 100 consecutive days of blog posts is enough. I’ve done it before (see lotd). And I’ll most likely do it again. Maybe a few days from now we reset the counter and try it again?


I ran out of things to say. And since we’re re-opening the country, there’s no need to be introspective anymore. We’ll either die or live. Our chances are 50-50. Just live your life carefully here on out.

What have we learned? Nothing. Wash your hands. Wear a face mask. Republicans are the devil. All this we’ve known before the pandemic. All this we’ll forget and have to relearn for the next pandemic. If there is one thing to never forget though is that Republicans want to kill you don’t let them.

Stay safe. Stay hopeful. Stay alive.


Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Covid-19 Days – 100”

    1. Thanks, man. It was a challenge that I wanted to do just because it would help me do some more blogging and writing. I don’t think I did so well, but that’s how I always think about it. I should’ve commented more on the rona and what was happening, but it was too depressing to think about. Especially, how Donald Trump fumbled this…

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