
On the eve of the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States, one can’t help but wonder about these last four years. Like the whole time, could there have a been a worse person to be the leader of the US? And can you imagine how much we regressed as a society? Not to mention the untold hundreds of thousands of people would still be alive with a person who actually cared.

Well, Joe Biden cares. He is not a black-hearted, ugly person like Donald Trump. It is a low bar to clear to be more decent than Trump, but I think Biden will. He’s already shown too much sympathy for the other side.

Perhaps, all the fears of the right should be realized. We do need a healthy dose of socialism around here. Let’s start today.

One final “FUCK OFF” for Donald Trump. Let’s not hear about that guy until the day he dies.

Posted by broderic

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