Trail Mixing

I thought that maybe I should make my own snacks.

Actually, it came from thinking that I should be eating more oatmeal in the morning. Plain oatmeal isn’t the most delicious, so I thought some toppings and mix-ins would make it better. I thought that I would look forward to it more. So, I went to my local Trader Joe’s and bought a whole bunch of nuts and dried fruit — several bags. Pecans, walnuts, almonds, dried blueberries, dried ginger, dried bananas — that sort of mix.

Yet, in the end, I did not eat any more oatmeal.

So I decide to turn it into trail mix. Again, there’s a lot of that to make it. Like I have at least 3 pounds worth of mixture which is a lot.

Hey, you’ll be getting a nice Marry Christmas present soon!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.