Baja Blast

It’s not like I’m gonna try another flavor. Okay maybe Code Red.

Although lately, I’ve been searching for Mountain Dew Baja Blast. Looking for it outside of Taco Bell, it’s natural home. It so happened back in June I bought a sixer, and then I became hooked on it.

I am always hoping to find it on my grocer’s shelves, but it is in limited release and in limited supply. As I do my weekly grocer shopping, I go down the sugary soda aisle hoping to see the electric blue. Sadly, it’s always one of the other flavors. Who likes Baja Gold? Or that watermelon looking one? Who is drinking those? It seems no one is as they are still unsold.

I am coming to the realization that maybe the summer of Baja Blast has come to an end. The shelves are full of Mountain Dew just no Baja Blast.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.