Covid-19 Days – 3

Went to work. Around noon we had the all hands meeting. It was strongly suggested that we work from home. They weren’t going to shut down the plant, but they wanted us to heed the call to social distance ourselves from each other to mitigate the spread of the virus. I think in another week or so as more cases are reported, then it will be mandatory.

I choose not to work from home. I say it’s because I can’t. That I can’t get work done. Yet, I have done it before, and I’m quite sure I can do it for this, but I’m quite non-committed to it. I’m wondering if I’m selfish? If my nonchalant attitude will be the death of me? Or the death of family, friends, or colleagues? I wonder if I should stay home? But the office will be quiet and maybe, just maybe, free from the virus…

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.