Covid-19 Days – 59

What was Donald Trump raving about yesterday? Obamagate? What does that even mean? It’s all types of depressing that Donald Trump is the president. It makes me angry at those who made that happen.

I have aunts and uncles who did. Not too sure why. Anyone with any type of intelligence could see that he was temperamentally not fit to lead anything. Not sure why you would ignore that. These relatives are smart — they’ve been through college. Just never understand how you would want to associate yourself with such an ass.

It colors my relationship with them. Not too sure how to bring up this disaster. It really is. I could handle a normal republican but this is not normal. If it is really true that the rona is rampaging through the halls of the West Wing, if there is a god, she would call him home to her. There is no god.

Hippy punching is all they have. We’ve taken it. That’s all they have.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.