Covid-19 Days – 65

I’ve not done ribs very well. I try and try, but they never turn out right. Usually, my impatience forces me to find ways of cooking ribs quick but still getting them juicy, and that doesn’t always make for best ribs. In fact, I’ve failed most of the time.

Today, since I have lots of time on my hands with social distancing, stay-at-home, I’m gonna make ribs for dinner. I started last night with prepping the rib. Just dry it out and just season with salt and pepper. I leave it in the fridge overnight. This morning after drying out more, I put my rub on, then let it sit again for a couple more hours. Afterwards, it goes into the oven at 300 F for an hour and a half. I’m going to then paint a nice lacquer of BBQ sauce for the next hour and a half. That’s coming up. I hope in 3 hours at 300 it comes out nice…

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Covid-19 Days – 65”

    1. I was going to update with a photo, but decided against it. Too much work.

      It turned out much better than my other tries at making ribs without a grille. This was decent and the sauce was great. One quibble besides it taking 3 hours is that it wasn’t fall off the bone. I think at 300 it is too hot, may want to try 275 instead as most videos I’ve seen put it at that…

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