Paranormal Activity 3

There are some harrowing moments in Paranormal Activity 3, but the advertised last 15 minutes sinks the movie. I think we all left the theatre feeling slightly ripped off.

I didn’t see the second one. At least with the first one the motivational scare felt organic, part of the story. With the final 15 minutes of this one, it felt tacked on. Something to explain it all. You don’t need to do that! It’s all paranormal — beyond normal. Nothing will make any sense.

Also, if you show it in the trailer, it’s gotta be in the movie. It some kind of rip off if you ask me. And that’s how I felt. Ripped off. That’s not to say I wasn’t frightened at times. Bloody Mary! The ghost in a sheet! The clean kitchen! Yeah, I was averting my eyes. That’s just me.

Overall, it was not like the first one because that one was scary. The static camera shots just make me nervous. The lack of a musical soundtrack even more so. Without a musical cue, you don’t know when to be scared. They did attempt to have a rumbling bass noise to help, but it wasn’t enough to signify a scary moment.

If you watch it in the theatre, watch the cheapest showing. It’s really short.

2 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Paranormal Activity 3”

  1. the last part got to me. it was a fun movie to watch knowing that it was silly. the fan was hilarious!

    the first one's edge is that you dont know what to expect. here u knew that wherever they go they will have the devil with them other wise known as Toby. (and every time she said Toby, i thought of Toby The Office guy).

  2. Every time she said Toby I thought of Kunta Kinte from roots!

    The last part was stupid and caused the entire movie to collapse within itself with silliness.

    This one wasn't scary at all. I wasn't scared when I got home, alone in the dark. There just isn't anything scary with a coven of witches. Witches?! Whatever!!!

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