Spooky Rapping Crypt

Link of the Day [9.15.11]Replace Houston with Baltimore in today's link and you'll have the story of the Orioles. Except in this case the O's never got to the World Series in the last 30 years, and they never had a winning season in 14 years. Plus, they haven't produced a star out of their farm system since Cal Ripken, Jr. For all this talk about Houston being rock bottom, let me paraphrase Brad Pitt from the soon to be released movie, Moneyball: there's rock bottom, then there' fifty feet of crap, and then there's [the A's], and then there's the Orioles.http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/6967153/rock-bottom-h-town

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.