It’s The New Style

Did the usual Sunday thing and headed to the bookstore, the new, improved B&N, just to check it out. Eventually, I did buy the latest issue of Monocle to make the trip worth it, but the new store isn’t a place to hang out any more. No cafe and barely any seating. It’s slightly cramped. It’s missing the technology/computing section.

It reminds me of the bookstores you used to find in a mall, B. Dalton’s or Walden Books. They had the latest best seller, not a deep back catalog, magazines, and limited selections of various genres. We’ve gone back in time.

The most bothering thing is missing many of the familiar faces that I was used to. The one gentlemen who moved over from the Borders that closed a few years ago. The baristas in the cafe. So now its just a smaller crew a few new faces, too. Just wonder if they landed on their feet somewhere.

I am going to have to break my habit of going there often. Maybe twice a month?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.