Bad Teacher

I’ve seen terrible movies, and I’ve seen terrible movies so bad their good. And then there’s Bad Teacher. Don’t watch it.

Someone tell me why Cameron Diaz got to open a movie? Is she still a star? For a second there, I thought that they filmed this movie a few years ago when Diaz and Justin were an item. The studio at that time knew how terrible a movie this was. They dumped it here when it was time enough to recoup there investment. Considering it made some moola this weekend, they may just get the money back.

It is bad.

1 of 5 stars

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

9 Replies to “Bad Teacher”

  1. I liked Bad Teacher. CD is hot, bitchy and manipulative. She uses what God gave her to try and win and gets the Gym teacher instead. Love it.

  2. The parking lot fight was awesome heh.

  3. I was gonna give it a try although the trailer sucks already. Looks like I will wait for a DVD instead.

  4. Don't believe the other commenters. This was a terrible movie. It's a mess.

  5. The whole theater got a kick out of it and so did the people I watched it with. It's a comedy you ether laugh or don't. we laughed.

    Believe who you want but make up YOUR OWN MIND.

  6. I laughed also. But I knew that this was still a terrible movie. I'm just trying to warn you not to spend any money on this junk.

  7. I wasn't really convinced to watch it though I'd left without anything to watch, I might. Anyway, all my movies are free these days. Some perks. Haha!

  8. Free?

    I wish Wolverine was free. Heh. But even free doesn't help a bad movie. Heh.

    Yeah, comedy is the hardest to judge. But I do like some random stuff.

  9. Yep. Free like go anytime, show your ID and your movie is free. That doesn't include cinemas with really nice seats but most theaters are free. It's some perk for working for government. =D

    Though I haven't seen any "free-worthy" movies. I guess I have to one of these days. Someone that's close to some of those bad movies out there coz they've got that bad trailer already.

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