The Internet Ate My Baby

Upgraded the MobileMe calendar to the latest one because they kept hassling me every time I logged on. Of course doing so came with plenty of caveats. First is that it is really for Snow Leopard. Sadly, my main machine is still Leopard. I haven’t taken that plunge because of the file binding issue. Second, is that MobileMe hates the Camino browser and Mozilla in general. Not really, but Camino is getting long in tooth and is probably on its way to the dev/null in bit bucket heaven.

So I go ahead any way. Ignoring these warnings.

Once I am done I am curious as to what really happens upon the sync. I open up iCal. Create a test entry. Click sync.

I get the weird diff viewer telling me I had a couple hundred events that were about to be deleted. Cool! It’ll clean my stuff up. Of course it will and it did. Cleaned it all sparkly and new so that I had no more calendars in iCal. Now how am I to sync? Luckily, Apple knows that some users are just lazy and has helpfully created a support page to address syncing with 10.5.x. My calendars are back.

Now hop do you sync with 10.4.x?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.