Fizik Bar Tape

I’m putting the bike back together. Bought in 2006, ridden until 2010, I hadn’t changed out the bar tape. It was ratty. So along with a new stem, I bought new bar tape.

Now I didn’t want to do it myself because I am pretty anal about things. If I don’t put it on right, I’m gonna be sad. But I can’t always rely on the angry dude in the bike shop to do everything. So, here’s a step-by-step.

First, remove old bar tape. You’re gonna have to remove the shifter hood or just move it aside enough so that it isn’t in the way. Then cut the old tape off. Usually there’s some electrical tape holding it on the bar. Cut that. Unwind the tape off. There’s also an extra piece of bar tape around the shifter. Take that off.

Next, clean the bar. I used some rubbing alcohol so that the tacky residue of the bar tape is no longer there.

After it’s clean get ready to wrap the new bar tape. Set up some electrical tape for when you get to the end. That way it’s ready to finish up the taping.

Start wrapping the tape around the bar. Start at the bar ends. Do one turn parallel to the end of the bar about 1/3 onto the bar. This will make it easier to put the bar plug over the tape to hold it down. Put the bar plug on. Start wrapping. As you can tell, do it from the bar end towards the stem. Pull as you wrap to make it tight. When you come to the shifter, put that extra tape on the backside then wrap around it. Make sure you give some space for the tape around the shifting mechanism. When you run out of bar tape. Get out the electrical tape to tape it down on the end.

So that’s it. I put on the bar tape. I didn’t leave too much space on the right shifter. There’s some bubbling along the curves. One side is shorter than the other. I think I’ll be fine with this for only one season. I’ll return to this post next year.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.