
Yup, I contributed to Unknown winning the box office bonanza for this past weekend. It was the number one movie grossing $25+ million. I wasn’t the only one as the Sunday matinee was packed. Lots of old, white folks. They switched from Owings Mills to Hunt Valley.

Anyway, without spoiling it too much, the movie was a complete Jason Bourne ripoff. Oops. I said too much.

It was very confusing when the twists started happening. Just what was Liam Neeson’s motivation supposed to be? Thinking more about it. A lot of the twists don’t make any sense because it completely wrecks any character motiviation as to why they played each other for the fool. I was expecting a nice little thriller in the Hitchcock mode. What I got was Bourne Identity 2: Married with Children.

2 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Unknown”

  1. And I was laughing to myself earlier what the heck is this movie.

  2. sounds like Total Recall

  3. @akeshia: Not at all like total recall as the question of him being a secret agent was front and center. Here, we are led to believe that he's a normal guy, and then… wha? Why the change?

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