And the nominees are…

Oscar nominations were out this morning. Boat loads of things to say about it. I like this take from the NY Times ( Here's the actual list from the actual Academy ( up GoogleDocs for the fourth annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool.Consider this an open thread to discuss movies.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “And the nominees are…”

  1. Everyone should write in The Town.

    Best movie of the year, hands down

  2. The Town! Come on. It's not even Affleck's best film. Gone Baby Gone. It's also derivative of Heat.

    Now if you said Rebecca Hall should've been nominated, I would say, "Hells yeah!" Although she would be nominated for fucking hottie of the year as her role didn't give her too much.

  3. Oscar has an app where you can create groups and make predictions.

  4. I knew someone would make an app like that.

    Actually, I'm working on the Oscar Pool thing. Still good ol' google forms. I've added a twist….

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