My Best Films of the Year: 2010

I was searching through my archives looking for that post on Inception that so many people seem to reach via google and then I remembered that I never put up 2010’s list of best movies. Now these are just the ones I believe that I had liked at the time I wrote the review. As I look at them, I wonder if these rankings even stand up now. I definitely know it doesn’t stand up for Inception, but that is because I don’t really like Christopher Nolan’s films.

Kick Ass (4)
Inception (4)
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (4)
The Social Network (4)

No 5 star films? That’s usual, but looking at these only Scott Pilgrim and The Social Network I feel still deserve the ranking. I wonder about Kick Ass. Does it really? I’ll have to see.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

6 Replies to “My Best Films of the Year: 2010”

  1. Funny, I'm doing my 2010 list too. I was actually surprised when I realized that Kick-Ass was 2010 and Sherlock Holmes was 2009. For some odd reason I thought Sherlock was 2010 and Kick-ass was 2009. I had Sherlock on my list, then had to go back and revise.

  2. That's why I blog all movies I saw in the theatre. It makes it easier to remember the time when I saw it.

    Kick Ass was 2010. Sherlock Holmes was Christmas so you'll think it was 2010.

  3. Yeah. I just don't have it in me to write reviews. I'm starting to notice that it takes me a while to really soak in a film.

    My list has quite a few films actually. Even though the year was kinda meh, there was actually quite a few bright spots in film to me this year.

  4. Shutter Island was another one I can't believe was February of 2010! That one really blows my mind. How come that film isn't discussed in the Oscar Race for music or acting. I thought Leo was really good in that. And the cinematography, editing and directing were well done too.

  5. How can you forget Shutter Island! If you had to see one movie in which we're in one of Leo's delusions, it would've been a shoot with Inception.

    I just like to remember the movies I did see. What better use is a blog. No need to write a true review just a note that you've seen it.

  6. You guys are making me think of writing my own 2010 list. Wait for it. It surely will be named "oh my freaking! I did watch that movie!" it's a poor list of "man, these are the only movies I saw" which includes "How to train your dragon" in 3D. That's pretty neat tho, visually.

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