How to get a ball

How to get a ball
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Came early to OPACY for batting to snag a ball. Stood in centerfield bleachers as Tigers’ right handed batters hit it into the left field stands. Waited until Damon and the left handed hitters came up but the Tigers don’t have any jackets so balls weren’t falling into the stands. The fans were pleading with the players who were shagging flies for balls. Justin Verlander was generous tossing balls into he stands. I acted nonchalant so he wouldn’t throw directly to me. His final toss into the crowd went slightly to my left. I reached up and snagged it from the guy behind me. I’ve got another ball to add to he collection.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “How to get a ball”

  1. That's memorable. Verlander, man! Are you going to the Sunday game as well? Hope Bergy snatches it well and good.

  2. I really want to go, but everyone's got something else to do.

    Darn. At least tonight was all kinds of fun.

  3. Why? What happened besides a win? Oh wait put that on chat. Hahaha!

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