“You’re sitting in the house that ‘Honk if you’re horny’ built.”

I think I am a fanatic for the Baltimore Orioles. You want to know how I know? These are the t-shirts of Orioles that I have and how I acquired them:Adam Jones 10 — bought last year
Matt Weiters 15 — bought this winter from www.mattweiterfacts.com
Koji Uehara 19 — bought last night
Ty Wiggington 23 — free t-shirt night
Buck Showalter 26 — free t-shirt night
Jason Berken 49 — free t-shirt nightI bought two caps this year, too. I usually buy a new cap each season. The second one bought this year is a cool replica vintage cap from the 50s and 60s.And I can't forget to mention, I did get all the mini bobble heads this year.I went to back-to-back games these past two nights once for the free t-shirt (Showalter) and last night to finish out my season ticket plan. That was 13 games, but I didn't go to all of them. I plan to finish out the season with Detroit using up the season tickets I didn't use. I'll have to check the count, but that was at least 16 games this year. They're still not a very good organization and next year is a new year, but I'm ecstatic about our Orioles. Sorry, to the three readers of the blog, for making this a baseball blog, but, well, you know….

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to ““You’re sitting in the house that ‘Honk if you’re horny’ built.””

  1. I can feel the energy til here!!! And I'm jealous, so darn jealous.

    I'll just have to wait this weekend. Who's pitching?

  2. Tillman should be Friday

    Guthrie Versus Sabaithia Saturday

    Millwood versus Petite Sunday?

  3. Yay!!! Tillman! Can't wait to see him pitch again! I mean even on TV. Lol. Gonna be excited with Guth too. I'm not sure about Millwood. I dunno why.

    But I want the Orioles to win. That's it.

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