“Giggle if you must. Chicks love it.”

Was at the Orioles game tonight and witnessed a beat down of a Toronto team that has owned the Orioles all season. The final was 11-3, but those 3 runs were during garbage time off of some Oriole pitcher I don’t even know.

This is the best the Orioles have played in years. This stretch after the new manager, Buck Showalter, was hired has been phenomenal. They are 26-15. I wished for playing .500 ball under Showalter, and I got it. It’s great watching them at the Yard.

The pitching is there. The starters have been very good pitching into the sixth inning and beyond. Keeping the game manageable. The bullpen aren’t throwing fuel on the fire, but are actually doing there job in minimizing the damage and at time shutting the opponents bats. Koji Uehara has become our closer and just plain deals it everytime out. He’s almost unhittable. The pitchers are jelling and make the games easy.

The hitting is there. Luke Scott showing the big bat. Felix Pie flashing some brilliance with the bat. He’s come out to be a really good player. Adam Jones — adequate. I like that they’re all contributing.

The defense isn’t scary. They used to just suck. Now they are serviceable. Amazing.

I like.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.