“And Matthew, of course, is from Neptune.”

This is the annual “I am fat and shall lose weight starting now” post. Yeah, it doesn’t really work out vert well, now, does it?

Once again, the goal is to be 20 pounds lighter. Currently, according to WeightBot, I am 201.6 lbs. Realistically, I would like to get below 190.

How will this be accomplished? Working out? Yes. Bike riding? Maybe. A diet? Yes. Eating right. Exercising daily. Attempting to be healthy.

I can do it.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to ““And Matthew, of course, is from Neptune.””

  1. Much be catching because I started the same mantra this week. I'm trying a low-carb, high protein diet with 30-45 min of exercise spread through the day. Consuming about 1400 calories, by cutting out the carbs. As well as taking the stairs. Will try this for two weeks to see what happens. Supposed to result in 6-8 lbs loss for women and 8-10 for men. You guys always lose more than us without trying. It sucks!!

  2. I'm always trying to lose these 20lbs!

    Good luck to your attempt!

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