“That’s a very cunning plan, but now is not the time for cunning plans or crazy capers.”

Dude! It’s freakin’ September, the greatest month ever. Suck it July!

I have yet to exhaust that gold mine that is NewsRadio. It’s on! BrowserMetrics’ Seventh Annual NewsRadio Quote Month. For you new readers, every post title this month will have be a NewsRadio quote. NewsRadio being the greatest show of the late 90s. And the late 90s being the best time of my life. So NewsRadio is the best show I’ve seen. Even better than The X-Files because it is so much easier to watch in 25 minutes.

Sit back. Relax. Enjoy all the nice NewsRadio quotes. Hope you go and Netflix the episodes and laugh, laugh, laugh with BrowserMetrics.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.