Monday Morning Musings [part 2]

I started this, so might as well try to get this going.Originally, Monday Morning Musings was going to be about the music I listened to on the drive work, but, unfortunately, it should've been titled, "Monday Morning Music Musings." That was a slight oversight error on my part. I was so enthusiastic to write the first post of the series, that I just submitted it without a complete proofread. This slight error works out in my favor, because I can then write about whatever I thought about driving in to work even if it isn't music.The second in this series, though, will still be about music, because my mind was blank on the drive in.In iTunes, I've got a playlist folder that holds my "mix tapes." The title of the folder is "Burn List," and I usually include it in the synch routine to iPhone. Most of the playlists have been burned to a CD. Most are short so that I can burn them to CD audio and listen to them in my Jetta. The first time I had burned an MP3 disc, I learned that the head unit in the Jetta doesn't read MP3. I bought it around 2001 right around the cusp of MP3 player revolution. I had changed a tape player to this head unit, and looking back at it, the tape player would've allowed me to use the audio-in-to-tape dongle, the digital to analog converter thing you slipped into the tape deck.There are a few longer mixes reserved for MP3 burning, but those I have yet to do. I can just use the aux-in in the Mini for these playlists, so I don't need a CD version. Kind of defeats the purpose of that folder now that I about it.Anyway, the latest mix I made is for an MP3 CD. I like it plenty. I've been listening to it for days now while at work and had to listen to it coming into work today. Twenty-two songs. I listened to one in particular.I've been an anime/manga fan for the last few years. Manga is the majority of my reading. Anime, while not the majority of my television watching, makes up a lot of my video watching on a computer. That's a euphemism for downloading. With anime, I can get caught up with the opening and ending songs. They have become part of my music listening habits. I've been a big, big fan of the music coming out of the K-ON!! anime. They're rockers. Yet, this love for rocking anime tunes has to have come from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya's infamous "Live Alive" episode. If you know of anything about this anime or anime in general, you will know of this episode. It only had the most famous rocking anime song out for 2006, "God Knows" and "Lost My Music." I'm partial to "Lost My Music," and it's the one I have on my latest mix.Currently, iTunes has me having played it 140+ times, but that doesn't take into account listening to it on a burned CD or the counts from iPhone. I listen to it in its various covers on iTunes. You could look back on the archive of this blog and find instances of these cover versions. Even these I love. Then I've looked into trying to play this on my guitar. I've got the basic chord progression down, but there's no way I can play the lead because it's too fast for my novice hands.There's a lot of pieces to this Monday Morning (music) Musing from iTunes playlists to anime music to this song. I figure the point of this though is about this song. I love it lots ever since I've heard it back in '08. Do you have a song you're devoted to?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.